On becoming prime minister Theresa May delivered a speech promising to help the just-about-managing (JAMs). She has delivered nothing. Brexit is all consuming. However life for the JAMs is more of a struggle than ever.
The Loughborough Echo (15/8/18) had a front page story about a church run charity, St Mary’s grub group, feeding hungry children.
What type of country have we become? The Government boasts of budget surpluses, the bosses of big companies win 11% pay rises, while sure start centres close, services are slashed, local councils go bust.
The Conservative Party is rooted in the world of garden fêtes rather than food banks. The Labour Party has become a coalition of the university-educated and radical single cause obsessives , more interested in Hamas and Jerk rice than the concerns of the people they were formed to represent.
The established press is much more interested in Boris Johnson’s thoughts on burkas than it is about the fact that about half a million people visit food banks every week.
We Liberal Democrats must step up to fight for not only the JAMs, but the ANMs (Absolutely Not Managing).
Do you have experience or expertise in this area? Are you interested in helping us campaign. Contact me at [email protected].